Normally we are targeting the front end when we write ClojureScript are but you can also target the backend and write app servers with Nodejs.

Setting up a Nodejs application

First we will set up a simple hello world application to ensure everything is up and running properly.

This is going to be very similar to a regular Figwheel project that targets the web.

First off we’ll create a project directory and change into it:

$ mkdir hello-node
$ cd hello-node

Let’s add a src/example/core.cljs file in our new project directory with the following contents:

(ns example.core)

(console.log "hello NodeJS!!")

And then we’ll add a dev.cljs.edn file with the following configuration:

{:main example.core
 :target :nodejs}

And a deps.edn as well.

{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.773"}
        com.bhauman/rebel-readline-cljs {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}
        com.bhauman/figwheel-main {:mvn/version "0.2.20"}}}

Now that we’ve created our three basic files let’s start up a Node/CLJS repl with Figwheel.

Let’s give it a whirl:

$ clojure -m figwheel.main -b dev -r

When you run that you should see:

Figwheel node repl image

In this case Figwheel ran the node executable for you taking care to run it with the correct parameters etc.

Now stop the figwheel build/repl with Control-D.

You can turn off launching node in the background by setting the :launch-node to false.

Adding moment.js as a dependency

Let’s add some depdencies with npm and use them.

First we’ll initialize npm running npm init -y in the root of the project directory:

$ npm init -y

This should create a package.json file.

Next let’s add the moment date library.

$ npm add moment

We’ll alter the example/core.cljs to use the moment library.

(ns example.core
  (:require [moment]))
(defn one-day-from-now []
   (.add 1 "days")

(println (one-day-from-now) " <<<---")

Now we can run Figwheel again:

$ clojure -m figwheel.main -b dev -r

This will boot you into a REPL you won’t see the output of (println (str (one-day-from-now) " <<<---")) in the REPL as it happens before the REPL starts.

If we look at the contents of target/node/dev/node.log we will see the output of the first run of the program.

$ cat target/node/dev/node.log
Tomorrow at 1:35 PM  <<<---
 [Figwheel REPL] Connected: http-long-polling
 [Figwheel REPL] Session ID: 2d024034-415d-4431-817f-a2cb196a618c
 [Figwheel REPL] Session Name: Roselle
n found! Falling back to http-long-polling:
 For a more efficient connection ensure that "ws" is installed :: do -> 'npm install ws'

The note about http-long-polling can be corrected by adding the ws library to your dev dependencies via npm install ws --save-dev. This is desirable as it allows Figwheel to use a Websocket for its REPL communication instead of long-polling.

Since Figwheel is running you can now change the file to subtract one day.

(ns example.core
  (:require [moment]))
(defn one-day-ago []
   (.subtract 1 "days")

(println (one-day-ago) "<<<---")

Now save the file. If you look in the REPL you should now see the printed output of (println (one-day-from-now) "<<<---").

You can now interatively work on the program and experiment with the moment API. Look at the examples on

When you are finished kill the REPL with Control-D.

Starting a express webservice

Now lets create a webserver that shows the current time minus one day.

Let’s add the express library.

$ npm add express

Now we can setup an web application that serves our moment output.

Edit the src/example/core.cljs to look like this:

(ns example.core
  (:require [moment]

(defn one-day-ago []
   (.subtract 1 "days")

;; app gets redefined on reload
(def app (express))

;; routes get redefined on each reload
(.get app "/"
      (fn [requst response]
        (.send response (one-day-ago))))

;; This is called once on start and dispatches requests to
;; the current "app"
(defn -main []
	;; This is the secret sauce. you want to capture a reference to 
    ;; the app function (don't use it directly) this allows it to be redefined on each reload
    ;; this allows you to change routes and have them hot loaded as you
    ;; code.
  (doto (.createServer http #(app %1 %2))
    (.listen 3000)))

;; *main-cli-fn* only gets called once on startup
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

You’ll find that if you start figwheel up again and go to localhost:3000 in your browser you will see something like Yesterday at 2:42 PM on that page. You have sucessfully created a express app.

There are some subtleties about the way this is written to allow hot reloading to redefine the application and thus allow you to edit and add new routes.

The main thing is that when the file is reloaded you are creating a new app that gets new routes assigned to it on each reload.

The -main function only get’s called once and we capture a reference to app which will always point to the currently defined app.

Using the chrome inspector

Every time you start a Figwheel node build there are two very helpful lines printed out.

For a better development experience:
  1. Open chrome://inspect/#devices ... (in Chrome)
  2. Click "Open dedicated DevTools for Node"

If you follow those instructions you will get a Chrome Dev Tools console that you can use.